Thursday, October 10, 2024

Vacation Airguns and Impressions From the Crosman 1322

Probably a pneumatic first--at least for me.  I brought the 1322 on our trip to the Laurel Highlands in Pennsylvania.   I can't remember bringing a multi-pump pneumatic along on one of our vacations before this.  Our trips usually have a similar theme; cabin in the middle of nowhere, hiking, lunch out on the trail then back to the cabin for some airguns and a good meal.  Hiking plans, weather forecasts, and proximity to other properties always factor into which and how many airguns make the trip.  This time around, we'd stayed at this cabin several years ago and knew it was ideal for shooting. 

The red dot was a useful addition.  The silhouette targets we bring get hard to find in the evening light, making iron sights practically useless.  

The Adco red dot is nice and round with no flares.   The short, almost stubby steel bolt seems just right to cock the hammer.

If you squint, or if I took better pics, there's an adjustable trigger stop at the rear of the trigger guard.

Two hex screws to remove the red dot.  I'm tempted now to remove it then see if it returns to zero.   My gut says it will.

For me, the conversion to .22 made this a lot more fun to shoot.  Bigger pellets are easier to manipulate and load into the trough.   

This 1322 has one other interesting feature to reveal.  

There's no trigger spring.  

Instead, I installed two small rare earth magnets.  One on the base for the conventional spring and the other was bonded to the bottom of the sear.  The magnetic poles face and repel each other.  In practice, it feels  frictionless. 

Tried this sorcery several years ago and I'd all but forgotten to show it.

Hope to show a couple of the other guns I got to spend some time with.  

While I don't expect to take any deep dives into multi-stroke Crosman 1377/22 madness with flat-top pistons, swept volume, dead space, etc...this pistol is very satisfying to shoot.

More soon.