All clean...

I decided to minimally lube it, so a very thin smear of heavy tar on the spring.

Some moly on the top hat & washers.

A thin smear of moly on the piston. I just wanted to test for function and make sure the repairs held. Plus I figured I'd see what it did with the original o-ring and breech seal before replacing them.

After cleaning the trigger unit in a friend's ultrasonic cleaner I used some Starret "mouse milk" instrument oil.

The trigger unit is easier to replace when cocked.

Someone had modified the sear.

They rounded over the top. Why? I have no idea.

Using a punch to wiggle the shims back into place.
Then I did some testing. The stock screw tab repair held like a champ. The barrel hasn't moved. 2 good things. Velocity was down though. Before working on it it was at about 760 fps w/ 14.3 gr. pellets. After cleaning and reassembly velocity dropped to about 720 fps w/14.3 gr pellets.
I assume that cleaning out all the caked up lube reduced the ability of the worn o-ring to seal.
Also the minimal lube likely increased drag on some parts.
The other issue was that it wouldn't always catch when cocking. Not an ideal situation.
What would happen is it would fire several times fine then fail to catch. If I then clicked on the safety and pulled the trigger it would click and then it would catch when cocking. I was a bit puzzled so I asked on the Yellow forum. The answer as to what was happening was indeed found here on the Straight Shooters forum. However the trigger parts I had did not look modified or polished as that posters did. Another guy emailed and suggested that I tighten up the trigger weight spring screw. That did indeed fix the problem. So too little tension on the spring allowed that condition to occur. I fired a number of shots after adjusting and it never once failed to cock.
I tore it all apart again.

Machining the new breech seal. They're $3.00 from Maccari and I wish I'd bought one last order. But I didn't.

I wanted to try something new for cutting off the urethane. Some mini boxcutter blades.

It worked like a champ.

Just a single screw holds the blade to a stem.

The new seal. I made it just a hair thicker than the old one.
I also replaced the o-ring on the piston with a #213 buna o-ring. I'm guessing that the old one was something harder though and I may get a polyurethane or viton o-ring in that size later on.
I also tried out Derrick's secret lube, Buzzy's Slick Honey
Put the rifle back together and fired about 50 shots through it (and no failures to cock). Velocity was about 773 fps. on average. So the new o-ring and breech seal as well as being a little slicker helped a bunch. I want to shoot a couple of hundred rounds through it before I pronounce it done though. Next I need to make some screw cups and repair the wallowed out screw hole in the stock. I could use a good scope mount as well as a cocking handle. The 80K has a short barrel and it's tiring to fire many shots as you don't have as much leverage.