The valve assembly was crusty.

O-rings had given up any hint of elasticity.

Something new? The 1377 piston had a pin retaining the pump cup. I had not seen this before and the cups I have do not have a hole.

I can only guess that they found that the cups were popping out of the plastic retainer - possibly due to the design changing or the injection mold wearing?

I have a new ultrasonic cleaner that is almost big enough.

While parts were soaking I set about adapting a spare sight to a spare Crosman steel breech I had on hand.


Filed and formed. It's a tight fit, but slightly tighter one way t'other.

Sight mounted. It's held by two screws, one into the breech and one into the brass.

Taig now offers a 5C lathe headstock. It's a bit spendy but just the ticket for doing barrel work.

Lapping the crown. Not match grade lapping but enough to remove any burr from the lathe ops.

Finished. A longer barrel, a 760 plastic front sight and barrel band. I raided the parts boxes for this one. Friend was delighted and finds it much improved.