Sunday, May 28, 2017

Mrod Air CP1-M Grip Modifications -- Part 2

Thought the grip on the CP1-M needed a little more work.

Padded, gently and nervously clamped down on the mill table. 

Used a 7/8" end mill to create a short pocket at the base of the grip

Took it to depth.

So I can fit this stub of leftover Anschutz target rifle accessory rail. 

Milled to length.

The finished pocket after a coat of shellac.

Screwed and glued in place.    

So. I guess I sanded off the original palm shelf--and now I'm making a palm shelf. 

Traced the grip outline onto a piece of beech.  Hopefully, it'll match.

Test fit.

Got lucky.

Penciled in the mounting hole.  Through drilled for a M5 screw then counterbored with a 29/64" for a screw cup I found mixed in with my washers.  Pressed in the cup below flush.

Needs some shaping.

A few minutes on the belt sander got it to here.  Looks good, but it's too angular to look right with the curves of the grip.

A few more minutes on the sander to soften and break all the edges.   This is after a coat of shellac.

The backing nut is a thin threaded plate to fit into the rail.

The palm shelf now has both vertical and angular adjustment--or it can be removed entirely and the grip used without.  The shallowness of the Anschutz track doesn't interfere with the grip.

The rosewood (cocobolo?) turned out to be a nice addition. 

Dunno what's up next.  That wood grip for the Hammerli Master is calling along with several other smaller projects. 


  1. Excellent job; looks like it was designed and manufactured that way.

  2. Very nice! For how I shoot mine, I would really like one similar in shape but w/o the shelf.

  3. Looking good! You've got me looking at the Baikal IZH 46M and how the grip is shaped and options for the shelf... really like how that worked out for you.
