Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fabricating a Replacement Front SIght for the Slavia 630, Part 2

On I go.

Drilling some 5/8" diameter bar.

Reaming 1/2"

Soldered (silver soldered) the two parts together. Notice the large area of solder overun...things shifted a bit while they were red hot and I was poking solder into them.

Cleaned up.

Drilling for the sight post.

Tapping #8-32

Turning down the end of a #8-32 setscrew to make the post.

Facing the end.

Tapping #4-40 for the clamp screw.


Another lame cold blue job by yours truly. The upside is that I can now shoot the air rifle and hit what I'm aiming at, which was the whole point of this little exercise...

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Could you write the exact measurements for piston seal and spring guide?
    And what material did you use for making piston seal?

    I have Slavia 620 and iám trying to rebuild it because it is in poor shape.

    Thank You.
